Make This Your Best Summer

We just turned the page on March and spring has begun! It is not too early to start planning for your summer ministries. We know that events in New England can be challenging but the summer is a great opportunity to make a difference in the lives of kids and families in your community. Summer presents the desire for families to find family friendly, low or no cost events to enjoy time together. This is a great opportunity to build relationships with the families in your area!

Here are some ideas to get you thinking and planning: 

Create Play Gatherings

Set up a couple of inflatables and some carnival games along with a table of free refreshments or plan a free community barbecue. Encourage all members of your church to come and get to know new families in their area. Prepare some fun giveaways or prizes to increase participation and also as a way to collect names and contact information to send invitations to church and future events. This will continue the connection!

Join Local Events

Check to see if your town does any big events during the summer and plan to join and provide something for the families and kids that attend. Many communities do a “Night Out” sponsored by their local police or “Home Days”. You might pass out crafts for kids to take home, free water, and perhaps a giveaway (a tablet or other kid-friendly item). The giveaway will give you an opportunity to collect contact information so that you can make follow-up connections.

Plan Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School, or VBS, is a fun-filled program many churches offer, usually during the summer school vacation months, as a way to reach local children and families. Vacation Bible School is an outreach meant to bring in children who don’t normally attend church and to teach them Bible stories, crafts, music, missions, and recreation. These activities provide ways to naturally share the good news of Jesus. Nowadays, VBS can be done for a whole week, once a week for 5 or 6 weeks, or all in one day - the options are limited to your imagination. Vacation Bible School can also be used during other school vacations! 

Host an Ice Cream Social

Is there a nearby park that might work for an outdoor activity, like an Ice Cream Social? Get some ice cream and toppings and invite local families to join in for a sweet treat and some fun and games. Make sure you provide them with an invitation to your church or upcoming event!

Don’t let this summer slip by without planning some intentional opportunities to connect in meaningful ways with your community… you’ll be glad you did!

Sandy Coelho serves as Lay Leadership Development Coordinator at the Baptist Churches of New England.


Seeds of Peace


New England Youth “encounter God in new and fresh ways” through YEC retreat and Quest training