Mission resources

According to the BCNE 2021 annual meeting goals, we want to intentionally partner to reach the nations. Consider the following resources as you pray about how to more effectively lead your church in missions.

Action steps for “Partnering to Reach the Nations”

A. We pray that God would raise up at least one family a year from New England to commit to full-time vocational ministry though the SBC International Mission Board (IMB). Churches would commit to joining God in this effort by:

  1. Providing information about the IMB to their members.

    Action steps: Explore the IMB website or download the “Advance the Kingdom” app. Show one or more of the IMB videos below to your church. Order free copies of the IMB’s Global Impact Guide to share with church members. (Spanish versions are also available.) Understand and explain the missionary application process with the IMB (see IMB links on becoming a missionary below) .

  2. Using the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering prayer materials and collecting the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering in December.

    Actions steps: Learn more about the offering. Contact the BCNE about getting up-to-date brochures for your church. Explore videos and downloadable resources for promoting the offering. Plan to take an offering or make a donation from your church budget.

  3. Adopting an IMB missionary in Europe to connect with and pray for, especially if that missionary is working with a people group our BCNE churches already have existing relationships with.

    Action step: Connect with your regional coordinator or another member of the BCNE staff to learn how you can partner with an IMB missionary in Europe.

  4. Preaching a “respond to the call” sermon at least once a year with a time for church members to respond to the Spirit’s leading.

    Action steps: Get your creative juices flowing by browsing through the mission education topics below. Learn more about how adults and students can become IMB missionaries.

  5. Emphasizing missions at least monthly in some formal way in the congregation.

    Action steps: Learn about CP Stories below and consider how you can incorporate these stories into your worship service or discipleship time. Adopt an unengaged, unreached people group for prayer or share prayer requests from the IMB’s daily prayer page or monthly prayer newsletter.

  6. Participating in at least one international mission trip between 2022-2025.

    Action step: Start a discussion with your regional coordinator or another member of the BCNE staff about mission trip opportunities in Europe.

B. We pray that God would help our churches see the nations that God has brought to New England and desire to reach them with the Gospel. Churches would commit to joining God in this effort by:

  1. Asking God to reveal any racism or ethnic biases that might exist in their congregation and repent from whatever the Spirit might reveal.

    Action steps: Check out Our first steps toward a unified future (article by BCNE pastor Gary Knighton) and Helping parents discuss racial issues with kids (article and video by teacher and BCNE youth leader Shanice Maxwell), as well as some of the articles on race linked below. Consider ways to talk about racial reconciliation during sermons.

  2. Requesting current demographic information on their community so they can more fully understand whom God has brought to their community.

    Action steps: Order a free demographics report from the BCNE. Begin praying for your neighbors of different ethnicities.

  3. Allowing churches with a primary ethnicity other than their own to use their facility for worship and ministry.

    Action step: Talk to BCNE Ethnic Ministry Coordinator Joe Souza about ethnic churches in your area that have facility needs.

  4. Intentionally reaching out to different ethnic groups to invite them to take part in various ministries of the church and/or starting new ministries that create an environment in which the Gospel might be more easily shared with other ethnic groups.

    Action steps: Read some of the articles below about ethnic and multicultural ministry in New England. Connect with BCNE Ethnic Ministry Coordinator Joe Souza for ideas on how your church can minister to different ethnicities locally.

Videos about the International Mission Board


Mission emphasis: CP Stories

CP stories make it easy to talk about missions in your congregation. Stories and prayer requests about mission work supported by the Cooperative Program are released in advance - one for each week. You can choose a PDF version which can be printed for use in Sunday school classes or small groups. If you are sharing in a congregational setting, you can download a 16x9 Powerpoint slide. Stories alternate between international missionaries and North American missionaries.

Note that the PDF version is dated, while the Powerpoint slide is not.