Ten revitalization steps for 2021

10 steps for revitalization in 2021 - Gary Moritz.jpg

Revitalization is happening in churches around America! As a pastor or church leader, you are responsible for shepherding and caring for the congregation God has given you. But certain actions can help you be more effective and successful in guiding the church where God has planted you toward renewal.

1. Pray over everything.

Jesus taught us to pray in everything and to trust that God is the one who makes things happen. Every step you take must be covered in prayer that emphasizes, “Your will be done.” Remember, you move towards what you pray towards.

2. Don’t move too quickly.

Leadership consists of being just far enough ahead of people that they can follow you into the battle. Remember, if you get too far ahead of them in the fog, they could lose their way or even shoot you because they mistake you for an enemy. Slow and steady wins the race; fast and furious destroys the pace. Plan on paper, but let God direct your feet.

3. Don’t move too slowly.

You only have about 120 days to convince people to believe in your vision by moving forward with an optimistically careful approach. These first few days are a training time for your people, but if you lead too slowly, someone else will lead ahead of you. The pace of the leader sets the future place for the new leaders.

4. Honor the past, but don’t stay there.

The truth is we remember the good times, but it’s funny how fast we forget the hard times. Honor the good times of the church’s past. Every church is built upon the shoulders of somebody else: past members, leaders, pastors, givers and supporters. But remember that Jesus is the Hero, and keep moving in the direction He is leading.    

5. Rediscover your call daily.

There is nothing new under the sun except an individual’s call from God. God calls a leader to a place and a position for a purpose. Your call is custom-made by God and for God. Rediscover what He is asking you to do, but don’t reinvent His call for you. Everything you need is right in front of you and around you. A pastor should never compare his ministry with another pastor’s ministry. (See 2 Cor. 10:12) 

6. Accept conflict.

Every leader in the Christian walk will face opposition. Jesus had Judas and the Pharisees, Nehemiah had the Samaritans, Joshua had the Canaanites and the Hittites, and on it goes. Opposition will come both from inside the church (usually members who are not walking with God), and from outside the church (a culture that is against God). Remember to be healthy and courageous in the Lord.

7. Dream big.

God’s plans are never small. His vision is to save and redeem the world. If you’re not careful, your dreams will be too small; God wants to work in you and through you so that people can stand in awe of Him. So don’t settle for small things. Ask big, tell the Lord to move as He wishes, and see what God does.

8. Have a long-term approach.

If you are going to revitalize a church, you need to hang in there for at least seven to ten years in order to see a drastic shift. Having a long-term approach means checking on every system in your church and understanding your church’s priorities of what and why you are doing things. It is also essential to know the pathways of your church. This long-term approach is how you’re going to get renewal accomplished. This action takes integration and vision, but God can work through your commitment.

9. Remain healthy.

The number one priority in revitalization is your health. You will be no good to your church or anyone else if you are unhealthy and unstable. Do not ignore the emotional cost of change. Revitalization and renewal are emotionally and physically demanding, and they will wear you down. You may not even realize that you’re fine spiritually, but physically, you’re falling apart. Make sure you are exercising, sleeping well, eating well and reading well. Don’t avoid talking to your doctor or a counselor when it could be helpful.

10. Protect your family.

Your family, not the church, is your priority. The church is Jesus’s priority, and He is the one building it. Never try to take over Jesus’ job. You are just the manager of the task, not the owner. Don’t feel guilty. Ensure that you are scheduling vacations, taking a Sabbath, taking breaks throughout the year, and making sure that you’re really present with your wife and children when you’re at home.

If you would like to hear more on this topic, visit this partner of the BCNE: Revitalizationtoday.com

Gary Mortiz serves as the church revitalization director at the Baptist Convention of New England.


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