Impacting the future

New England Baptists’ commitment to partner to reach the nations, equip New Englanders for multiplication and encourage Gospel proclamation

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For decades we have heard that New England is the least religious region in America. We have been told over and over again how hard it is. While statistically this may be true, the Gospel is stronger than all the statistics researchers can create. The Gospel is the power of God for salvation to all who believe. It is time to step out in faith and embrace the future God has for us instead of continuing to live in the statistics of the past. Imagine the year 2025 after New England Baptists have spent four years praying and partnering together in a more focused and intentional way to join God in accomplishing these specific things. The IMPACT would be eternal! Would you join us in these prayers?

Impacting the Future goals for 2022-2025

  1. Partnering to reach the nations

    A. We pray that God would raise up at least one family a year from New England to commit to full-time vocational ministry through the SBC International Mission Board.

    B. We pray that God would help our churches see the nations that God has brought to New England and desire to reach them with the Gospel.

  2. Equipping New Englanders for multiplication

    A. We pray that God would help us revitalize 20 churches that have a commitment to healthy growth and a history of Gospel focus but have either plateaued or begun to decline in recent years.

    B. We pray that through collaborative efforts between the BCNE and SEND Network, 20 new churches would be planted each year.

    C. We pray that 40 existing New England evangelical churches who have baptistic theology and a desire to work cooperatively would affiliate with the BCNE by 2025.

  3. Encouraging Gospel proclamation

    A. We pray that God would enable us to reach and baptize at least 2,000 new believers each year.

    B. We pray that God would increase our fervency to reach, baptize and disciple 12 to 25-year-olds so they can enjoy a lifetime of serving the Lord.

    C. We pray that annual mission giving to the BCNE would increase by at least 10% a year so that together we can achieve these Great Commission goals.

Discover concrete ways your church can join God in these efforts: